The seventh instalment of our Parallel series features UK artist Martin Howse, whose work encompasses research, technology and experimentation through projects and performances that move in the spaces between artistic and scientific explorations. Howse is occupied with an investigation of the links between the earth (geophysical phenomena), software and the human psyche (psychogeophysics) through the construction of experimental situations (performances, laboratories, walks, and workshops), material art works and <a href="http://publications.
Howse” target=”_blank” title=”publications.
Howse has worked and collaborated on acclaimed projects and practices such as The Crystal World, Psychogeophysics, Earthboot, Sketches towards an Earth Computer and Dissolutions. For the last ten years he has initiated numerous open-laboratory style projects and performed, published, lectured and exhibited worldwide. He is equally the creator of the ERD modular synthesizer <a href="http://series.
Photo” target=”_blank” title=”series.
Photo by Anna Bastyrova